

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post. This is a test post.

This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background. This is a test post with text background.

Putting white background on text in Post Editor

This is much a confusion, when editing the post in the Post Editor you are distracted by the Post editor interface and you assume that the blog post background is white as in the post editor. When in the post editor you get lots of customization options in which 'text background color' is one. Imagine, you want to change the text color and instead of selecting the text color option from customization bar you select the text background option by mistake and then what you see is background color on your text, then to remove the background color you select white from the text background option. And that's where you make the mistake, you didn't remember that you had black background on post in your blog and the text are going to be white but you have set the text background in the post editor to white !
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